Tyler Spitzer-Wu

// University of Michigan
// B.S. Urban Technology
// Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
// Minors in Computer Science and Entrepreneurship
// Class of 2027

I am interested in the use of technology in the built environment to improve the quality of life of those who interact with it. I am fascinated with cities as centers of innovation, culture, and economy with unparalleled vitality. I aspire to use my programming skills, design intuition, and entrepreneurial attitude as a practitioner creating positive and meaningful change within and between cities and communities.



Urban Screens

UT 101: Why Cities?
APR 2024

// Adobe Photoshop
// urban analysis
This exercise called for an analysis of the different types of screens found in the modern urban environment. I was particularly drawn by projections and how modern technology now enables “screens” to exist nearly everywhere. It also allows anyone, from individuals to corporations, to broadcast their message on a large and visible scale. I was also interested in observing how screens take on different functions depending on who is creating them, whether that be the government for infrastructural purposes, the private sector for promotional purposes, or the public for advocacy or awareness purposes.