Tyler Spitzer-Wu

// University of Michigan
// B.S. Urban Technology
// Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
// Minors in Computer Science and Entrepreneurship
// Class of 2027

I am interested in the use of technology in the built environment to improve the quality of life of those who interact with it. I am fascinated with cities as centers of innovation, culture, and economy with unparalleled vitality. I aspire to use my programming skills, design intuition, and entrepreneurial attitude as a practitioner creating positive and meaningful change within and between cities and communities.



URB Consulting Logos

Alpha Theta Delta Professional Design Fraternity
OCT 2024

// Adobe Illustrator
// graphic design, thematic branding
I created logos for an urban technology consulting club that a few classmates and I founded. The logo was driven by the theme of a sidewalk, one of the most critical and iconic features of a city. I experimented with different colors and text details and finished with a clean and thematically accurate brand with multiple different variations.

initial prototypes inspired by the sidewalk pattern:

finalized logos with stronger colors and proportions of the golden ratio: