Tyler Spitzer-Wu

// University of Michigan
// B.S. Urban Technology
// Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
// Minors in Computer Science and Entrepreneurship
// Class of 2027

I am interested in the use of technology in the built environment to improve the quality of life of those who interact with it. I am fascinated with cities as centers of innovation, culture, and economy with unparalleled vitality. I aspire to use my programming skills, design intuition, and entrepreneurial attitude as a practitioner creating positive and meaningful change within and between cities and communities.



Paver Patterns

Fletcher Studio Landscape Architecture
DEC 2023

// Rhino, Grasshopper, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Sketching
// computational design, design thinking, wayfinding
As a design intern at Fletcher Studio Landscape Architecture, I conducted this design study for paver patterns within a larger office campus design. When designing, I thought about wayfinding and thematic fit with the idea that a pattern in front of one’s feet could subconsciously guide the way or enhance the general vibe and experience of the space.

I experimented with computational design in Grasshopper to quickly see how randomized paver color patterns would look. I also used the generative design feature in Photoshop to see how a certain pattern could be replicated over a larger area. This iterative process taught me a lot about how much work it takes to intentionally design seemingly simple things, but also helped me explore how technology can expedite this process without sacrificing quality.